Switch on Oecusse, Timor-Leste

Help connect solar lights with vulnerable women and children in Oecusse, Timor-Leste, providing them with brighter nights.

Project Type

  • Technology Distribution
  • Technology Distribution Projects with Local Partners


Women and children who live at the Topu Honis Shelter Homes in Oecusse have limited access to electricity. Topu Honis has two locations, in Mahata and in Kutet. Mahata is located near the main town, where the older children attend secondary school. The Mahata home is connected to the town's small electricity grid, but the sUpply of electricity is very unreliable, making it difficult for the students to study at night. Kutet is located high in the mountains, where there is no access to electricity. Topu Honis has a small generator, but it is rarely used because of the high price of fuel.


The d.light S300 solar lanterns will make nighttime activities easier for the women and children of Topu Honis Shelter Home. The students will find the lights particularly useful, as they can use them to read and do their homework at night, as well as to attend their informal lessons. These lights will also save money previously used to fuel their generator, allowing the savings to be used for educational purposes instead.


Our local partner, Topu Honis Shelter Home, will distribute these lights in their two locations, in Kutet and Mahata, Oecusse, Timor-Leste. They will send their volunteers to deliver, install, and monitor the use of the lights. The 108 solar lights sent to Topu Honis Shelter Home have been reallocated from our Switch On Atauro, Timor-Leste Phase Two project after our local partner was not able to sell all the lights they requested.

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"There is no electricity in Kutet. We used to light a small, dim kerosene lantern or dim torch light (because we have no money to replace the battery) for the 10 of us. But now, with just one solar light, the whole main room is bright and we no longer need to eat in the dark. When we wake up at night or dawn, we don't stumble or rummage in the dark." - Mateus Pa'uf Koa, Farmer, Kutet village

Berta Naben Kolo is a blind, elder woman living at a traditional house made from reed in Kutet village, Oecusse. She lives with her only child who is also her caretaker. The only source of light in their house is a small fire from an on-ground three-stone fire. It is dim and the flame doesn't survive until morning. But now, Berta and her caretaker can have a bright light every night. Under the solar light, Berta's caretaker can provide a more careful, faster service. She also ensures that the solar light can provide light until morning by charging the solar light under the sunlight every day.

Anjelo Koa from Kutet village is really smart at fixing things. He is a repairman and he repairs everything: motorbikes, wristwatches, torches. However, when the night comes, he must stop working as he cannot see small parts or components that need to be fixed.
This changed when he received a d.light S300 solar light. He is now able to continue working into the evening and generate a higher income for his family.

There are no challenges reported by our local partner in this project.



Product - d.light S300

Cost of technology - 108 units


Shipping from Atauro to Dili




From Dili to Oecusse


Wire transfer fee


Kopernik 15%



Total $3,700

Kopernik Solutions provided a sub-grant to a trusted partner organisation who is implementing this project.