Following the completion of the first phase of a technology needs project, in partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) GREEN, Kopernik is co-hosting an exciting ‘matchmaking’ event at Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) 2018 in Manila, Philippines.
Kopernik and WIPO GREEN will present initial findings based on needs identification research conducted in Indonesia and Cambodia across four focus areas — water, energy, agriculture, and air — with the aim of establishing ‘matches’ between technology needs and technology providers. The focus will be on finding ‘green’ or environmentally responsible technologies that meet existing needs.
The matchmaking event is scheduled on 4 June 2018 - the first day of the week-long forum - coinciding with the Asian Development Bank’s Clean Energy Day.
To learn more, Kopernik and WIPO GREEN hosted a webinar on 17 May 2018 to provide a closer look at the clean technology identification. Findings from technology needs in Indonesia and Cambodia were presented. Additionally, read more about the technology identification project work for this project in Indonesia and Cambodia.