We are distributing water filters, conducting behavior change activities, and delivering height charts developed by 1000 Days to encourage utilization of clean water in order to reduce the stunting prevalence in Daha Elu Village, Central Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara.
Stunting, low height for age, is one of the most significant impediments to brain development in the first 1000 days of life. A result of poor nutrition intake and poor health, stunting has long-term effects on individuals, including reduced physical and cognitive development, diminished productivity, and increased poor health and risk of degenerative diseases (World Bank, 2018).
East Nusa Tenggara is reported to have the third highest prevalence of stunting in Indonesia, with more than a third of children under 2 years old are reported to be stunted. In Central Sumba, stunting prevalence has reached a staggering rate of 63,6% (MoH, 2018).
Much like the rest of the East Nusa Tenggara area, Central Sumba is one of the driest areas in Indonesia which faces scarcity in food and water supply, especially during the dry season. Daha Elu Village in Sumba has limited access to clean water and knowledge about stunting prevention. Currently, boiled water is stored in an open container which risks contamination from dirt and germs.
According to the UNICEF Nutrition Framework, access to safe water is one of the direct drivers of malnutrition (Lancet, 2013). Safe drinking water prevents diarrhoeal and parasitic diseases, which can reduce undernutrition and stunting in children. To provide access to clean drinking water, we will distribute water filters to households with pregnant mothers and children under 2 years old in Daha Elu Village, Central Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara .
We will utilize a participatory approach to encourage behavior change in families towards utilization of safe water. This will be conducted through two main activities: participatory workshop (pemicuan) about clean water, and in-house training about stunting and stunting prevention. We will also distribute the 1000 days height charts as an early indicator of stunting. Throughout the program, we will collaborate closely with local government and local health facilitators.
By distributing water filters and conducting behavior change activities through participatory workshops (pemicuan) about clean water, in-house training about stunting, and 1000 days height chart delivery, we aim to improve knowledge about stunting and stunting prevention as well as increase utilization of clean water in Daha Elu Village.
This project is implemented by Yayasan Kopernik on behalf of our partner who provided grant funding for this project.