Promoting Menstrual Health: The Perfect Fit Product Development Phase Two

Kopernik Solutions provided a sub-grant to a trusted partner organisation who is implementing this project.

We want to distribute affordable, locally manufactured reusable menstrual pads to women in rural Indonesia, using this product development process as an entry point to open up dialogue about Menstrual Health.

Project Type

  • Test Potential Solutions


Menstruation and sexual health are taboo topics in Indonesia. A culture of silence contributes to a lack of knowledge on menstrual hygiene management (MHM) and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR). In rural areas, access to products to manage menstruation hygienically are limited and are not cost-effective long-term. Females are often not aware of their SRHR needs or are too embarrassed to discuss their problems which negatively influences health seeking behaviour. This is reflected in low uptake of SRHR services and poor SRHR indicators.


We want to generate evidence showing that Kopernik can effectively distribute reusable pads that satisfy users’ needs, encourage conversation regarding SRHR issues among users, and are affordable with a small margin for sellers. To do this we will:

  1. Manufacture pads that meet local women's needs in terms of comfort, leakage, ease of use and washability through a three-stage rapid prototyping process, adjusting the design based on user feedback at each stage;

  2. Hold an education campaign through face-to-face information sessions to increase the sellers’ knowledge of these products (health workers and our wonder women social entrepreneur network), and the reusable menstrual pad users through sales and marketing materials, as well as the public through radio/tv and health facilities to ultimately raise the MHM and SRHR education and improve knowledge and health-seeking behaviour;

  3. Map the economic viability and sustainability of the business model in terms of pricing, no. of units sold, supply & demand, in order to provide a proof of concept to engage funding for scale-up.

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Project Implementation & Technology

Costs associated with project coordination and the technology


Monitoring & Evaluation

Costs associated with data collection, analysis and reporting


Administration Fee

Cost of transferring payments internationally, processing online donations (5%) and a contribution to Kopernik's operational costs (15%)


Total $26,203

Kopernik Solutions provided a sub-grant to a trusted partner organisation who is implementing this project.