Philips strives to make the world healthier and more sustainable through innovation by improving the lives of 3 billion people a year by 2025 through technology-enabled meaningful innovation.
CSR/CSV Partner
The Kampung Terang Hemat Energi (Bright and Energy Efficient Villages) program is a Philips Lighting initiative to bring acess to sustainable lighting for people living in off-grid areas without access to realiable electricity. With no access to PLN supply, people currently use alternative lighting solutions, such as kerosene lamps which can be dangerous, emitting toxic smoke and increasing risk of fire. Philips in partnership with Kopernik provides an easy, clean and cost-saving energy through distribution of solar lamps in houses and public facilities, in line with SDG Goal 7 - affordable and clean energy for all. Kopernik has been selected for the second time as the implementing partner for the initiative, committing to distribute 1,200 solar light technologies in North Sumatera, East Bali, Central Kalimantan and Maluku. The first initiative has been successfully implemented in South Sulawesi through the installation of 100 solar lights impacting 13,000 people in 9 villages.
Through solar light distribution in North Sumatera, the daily use of Philips solar lighting solutions reduces the expenditure from fuel and other sources of lighting by 45% on average. Households used the money they would have spent on kerosene to pay for primary household needs, their children’s education and saving. With access to light, nightime productivity has increased by more studying time, longer business hours, religious prayers and community gatherings can be conducted at night time.