Identifying Smallholder Farmers' Unmet Needs in Papua and West Kalimantan (UNPK)

Kopernik Solutions provided a sub-grant to a trusted partner organisation who is implementing this project.

Kopernik partners with The David & Lucile Packard Foundation to identify challenges of smallholder farmers in the agricultural value chain process in Papua, West Papua and West Kalimantan regions. The intended outcome of the "Unmet Needs" research is to identify interventions that can improve increase farmers' practice and competitiveness.

Project Type

  • Identify Unmet Needs


Smallholder farmers play an important part in the agricultural value chain, and make up more than half of the total farmer households in Indonesia, where agriculture contributes around 14% to the country's $932 billion economy. Yet, despite their crucial role in providing food to the wider population, smallholder farmers often face inadequate production capacity and earn modest incomes, which is partly due to a lack of access to information on current markets.


There is a demonstrated need for more focused research exploring the constraints faced by farmers in the agricultural value chain. A better understanding of these constraints will position Kopernik to provide solutions that work in improving agricultural productivity, which in turn will improve farmers’ income and standard of living.


Through the findings from this project, Kopernik will be well positioned to identify ways to increase the competitiveness of last mile communities and smallholder farmers in the value chain. Kopernik seeks to offer policy makers, academics and the development sector with a clearer view of the current real needs of farmers living in the last mile.

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Kopernik Solutions provided a sub-grant to a trusted partner organisation who is implementing this project.